Plymouth Rock Bantam høne

Plymouth Rock Bantam History
The Plymouth Rock Bantam is a miniature version of the Plymouth Rock and has been bred from various different breeders in several countries. The first Plymouth Rock Bantams were exhibited in Germany, Britain and the USA in the early 1900s. It is a rather large bantam with a long body, short tail, deep, well-rounded breast and yellow legs. They have a medium sized single comb with large reddish brown eyes.
Plymouth Rock Bantam Behaviour
The Plymouth Rock Bantam is a strong, early laying breed which can produce a large number of eggs without suffering from broodiness. The eggs are light cream. The Plymouth Rock Bantam is not a flier so they don\'t need particularly high fencing to keep them contained. They are friendly birds which are easily tamed. The chicks are fast growers and a cockerel can weigh in at around 3lbs.
Plymouth Rock Bantam Varieties
Black, white, buff, Columbian, buff Columbian, multiple pencilled partridge (triple laced) multiple pencilled silver partridge, barred, red barred, blue laced and red porcelain. Barred being the most popular colour.
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Plymouth Rock Bantam For Sale
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