Scots Grey høne

Scots Grey History
The Scots Grey is a very old breed, going way back to the 16th Century. It has been known over the years under different names which has made it difficult to trace its precise history. Leading poultry historians think that the breed is a refinement from the Scottish native fowl which was found on farms. It is now a rare breed and mainly bred for exhibition purposes.
Scots Grey Behaviour
The Scots Grey is known for its hardiness and its ability to thrive in any climate conditions. They are layers of large eggs; this is quite surprising for the size of the bird. The chicks grow well and mature quickly. A Scots Grey is classed as a non-sitter. It is a good all round layer of whitish eggs. It is quite a vigorous breed and an excellent forager, therefore needing plenty of space. They do prefer to roost in trees.
Scots Grey Varieties
The Scots Grey is a long legged, upright standing bird. It is possible that it may have both Dorking and Game blood. Its markings are very similar to that of the Barred Plymouth Rock. The only difference is that the Scots Grey is a more slender bird and the barring is not as distinct. There is only one colour and pattern in the Scots Grey and that is barred. The earlobes are red and the eyes are amber. The beak is white with black streaks. The legs are white with black mottles.
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Breeder Clubs for Scots Grey
Scots Grey Club
Telephone: 01361 882965