Call and
Call Duck History
The Call duck is a lively, charming little bird with a small body and short bill. The name originates from the Dutch word \'kooi\' meaning trap. They have a high-pitched call which carries over a long distance. The ducks were used by hunters to attract wild ducks towards traps or shooters. The tame ducks were tethered at the entrance of the traps and the more \'calling\' the ducks did the better.
The Call duck is a direct descendant of the Mallard duck although through selective breeding they have shorter bills and a smaller body. Call ducks were very rare in the first half of the century but have recently become very popular and now win more duck championships than any other breed.
Call Duck Behaviour
Call ducks are lively and talkative. If you are thinking about keeping a few Call ducks make sure you ask your neighbours first. They are clean, tidy birds and if provided with clean water and good food will keep themselves in good condition. They are also easily tamed.
The drake should weigh 550 - 700 grams and the female 450 - 600g.
Call Duck Varieties
There are lots of varieties of Call duck. The ten standard colours are: Apricot, Bibbed, Black, Blue Fawn, Dark silver, Magpie, Mallard, Pied, Silver and White.
Call Duck Status