Indian Runners and
Indian Runners History
The Runner duck is one of the most easily recognisable ducks and has always been popular due to their charm, striking appearance and high egg production. It is the furthest shape from the traditional Mallard breed. The Runner arrived in the UK from Asia in the 1850s but it has been around for a lot longer. It featured in the hieroglyphics of ancient Javan temples and is one of the descendants of the traditional herding ducks of Indo-Chinese Peninsula. The Runner has been used to create new breeds such as the Khaki Campbell. Indian Runners have been voted Omlet\'s favourite duck.
Indian Runners Behaviour
These ducks are perhaps the closest thing you can get to a Penguin or a walking wine bottle. You can spend many happy hours watching these slender creatures patter around your garden. They generally need less water than other varieties and can get by with just a tub of water in which to dunk their heads. These birds have a good nature, but can be rather jumpy at times. They are average in terms of noise level.
Indian Runners Varieties
The standard varieties include White, Black, Buff, Chocolate and Gray although there are a wide range of other non-standard colours available.
Billeder af Indian Runners
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Breeder Clubs for Indian Runners
British Waterfowl Association
Telephone: 01892 740212
Domestic Waterfowl Club
Telephone: 01488 638014
Indian Runner Club
Telephone: 01749 812758